Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Fill-In (1)

1. Why does it always have to rain when I have plans to go somewhere.

2. Love is equal to happiness. (At least according to Al Green)

3. My favorite breakfast includes lots and lots of sugar (donuts!!)

4. Rock Hard was the last book I read a couple of days ago.

5. I am SO glad it's Friday!

6. Crawling into my bed would make me feel better right now.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to a store closing sale, tomorrow my plans include watching all the shows I have saved in my DVR and Sunday, I want to read.


  1. I agree with your #6 too.

    Mine's up here. Hope you can drop by to comment back as well.

  2. We don't have Krispy Kreme in Maine, but when vacationing in FL, my family got totally zoinked on the things. As we drove from the condo to Disney, if we saw a "hot light," we stopped!

    Sorry I am so late; busy weekend! My answers are over at The Philosophy of Chairs.

  3. yeah! just when you are about to go, rain pours and ruin your appointment, lol!


Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. ~R. Emerson

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