Start date April 1, 2011
End date December 28, 2013
- Live (6mos+) in another state
- Get my passport
- Travel abroad
- Ask out a crush/guy I find attractive
- Watch the best 100 movies
- Go horseback riding
- Attend a professional sporting event
- Sing in public
- Get in shape (Lose 30 pounds)
- Have a career I love
- Eat at a restaurant alone without a book or laptop
- Pay down debt/student loans
- Go on a blind date
- Try skiing
- Go camping (in a tent!)
- Prepare at least 20 full meals out of my numerous cookbooks
- Have a signature dish
- Learn to sew
- Start a small vegetable garden (off my balcony)
- Learn a foreign language (this time make it stick i.e.. 4yrs high school Spanish and 2yrs college Spanish and still can’t speak Spanish)
- Get a massage
- See a Broadway play
- Take a road trip by myself
- Buy an extremely expensive pair of shoes or handbag
- Ride on a motorcycle, well at least the back of one
- Host a dinner party
- Find out my blood type
- Complete 200 sit-ups
- Become a pen pal
- Send flowers to my mother
- Put money away each pay period
- Sell one of the tutus I make
- Meet a blog friend in person
- Dress up more
- Collect all my spare change in a jar to get the total at the end of 1001 days
- Watch the entire series of the The L Word
- Watch the entire series, thus far, of One Tree Hill (seen it once, but I hear good things about it)
- Bake at least 25 desserts out of my I Heart Sugar cookbook
- Lower cholesterol
- Take my mother on a cruise
- Adopt a dog
- Join a spin class
- Learn to knit
- Start clipping coupons (see total savings over 1001 days)
- Go 2 weeks without ANYTHING sweet
- Finally visit California
- Try 5 new foods
- Make 2 new friends
- Read 100 books
- Update my blog at least twice a month
- Have a little black dress
- Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
- No fast food for 30 days
- Learn to play chess
- No soda for a month
- Learn to swim
- Fall in love
- Go on a picnic
- Visit an East Coast beach
- Learn 50 new words
- Learn 5 new crafts
- Go to a drive-in
- Take singing lessons
- Learn to play poker
- Take a pole dancing class
- Try hot yoga
- Take a picture of each letter in the alphabet
- Take a continuing eduction class
- Get a pedicure
- Keep a food diary for a month
- Develop a better skin care routine
- Make a birthday cake for someone
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